Portfolio Committee on Sports Arts and Culture Presentation - New loveLife Trust New loveLife Trust

Portfolio Committee on Sports Arts and Culture Presentation

Portfolio Committee on Sports Arts and Culture agreeing with the Bill by The South African Institute for Drug Free Sport (SAIS)
Opening Remarks by the New LoveLife Board Chairperson
The Chairperson of the New LoveLife Board, Ms Doreen Kosi, thanked the Portfolio Committee for the opportunity to present on the South African Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) Amendment Bill.

Ms Kosi added that the NewLove Life Trust had tracked this particular piece of legislation as it had major repercussions. The Trust was also a subsidiary of the Department and wished this legislation to be finalised. The hoisting of the South African flag was a social cohesion imperative.

Members were informed that NewLove Life was looking for a CEO and that LoveLife’s officially registered name was New LoveLife. NewLove Life had over 25 years of community service under its belt. Communities were aware of the work conducted.

The Chairperson thanked Ms Kosi for the clarification and recounted the community work conducted by LoveLife for the past 25 years.

New LoveLife Games Presentation on the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) Amendment Bill
Mr Jongi Mei, Provincial Coordinator at the LoveLife Trust, informed the Committee that the Trust welcomed the invitation to present to the Portfolio Committee. The Trust was also funded by the Department. The Trust had gone through the Bill and deemed it of national importance. He thanked the Portfolio Committee and the parliamentary staff for the work completed.

The Trust endorsed the various amendments as it ensured that South Africa was compliant with global anti-doping standards. The endorsement was based on the amendment of section 10 of Act 14 of 1997. The Trust saw the amendment’s wording as “fitting”.

Section 10 (d) of the Principal Act had a grey area that the amendment adequately addressed. A centralised anti-doping control programme would now be established. This provided greater clarity on who was running the programme. The sub-section on the independence of the Institute also carried agreement.

The Trust also supported the repeal of Sections 11 A to 11 C of Act 14 of 1997 as well as the substitution of section 17 of Act 14 of 1997.

The new provision spoke of the establishment of an independent board which shall be known as the Anti-Doping Appeals Board. The Board shall comprise nine members. The Minister of the Department had been vested with the powers to effect these appointments.