The Boy Child Initiative
Global data show that while violence overall is declining in adolescence and early adulthood, it is still a frighteningly ordinary part of life for many men and boys. According to a study that pooled global mortality data for females and males aged 10-24, deaths from violence predominantly affect young adult males, with the highest rates of violent death found in Latin America (9) globally, males account for 82 percent of all homicide victims, and young men aged 15-29 are victims of homicide at a rate that is six times greater than the rate of homicide deaths for young women in the same age group (9) Only 35 countries collect data on youth violence, and these surveys have typically been on bullying, physical fighting, and school violence, (10) overlooking other issues such as armed and gang violence.
“It is better to build strong children than to repair broken men”- Frederick Douglas
What is clear, however, is that globally men and boys are more likely to experience violence in adolescence and early adulthood than at any other time. This culture of violence also affects youth’s attitudes that justify and normalize it. This “normalization” of violence is established early on for many boys and young men in some parts of the world. Boys and young men are not only the victims of same sex violence but they are also the perpetrators of it as well as violence against children and gender-based violence especially intimate partner violence. In addition, there are 4.6 males committing suicide for every woman.
loveLife’s answer is a program that is focused on boys and men who do not define manhood according to physical strength and the ability to win a physical fight but rather ascribe to the universal moral code that embraces integrity, honesty, respect, discipline, kindness, ethics, tolerance, equality and faith. The program is intended to focus not only on boys and young men but also on the entire ecological environment in which he is raised and lives. The program will include community dialogues, roundtable discussions and advocacy on the importance of ensuring that no boy is left behind. LoveLife is committed to being part of raising a nation of good men – one boy at a time!
To view the docu-movie ‘What about The Boys?‘
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