Mpintshi Programme

Hola Mpintshi!

Hola Mpintshi!

Mpintshi’s are the friends who historically would accompany the groundBreakers (gBs) to work and would almost always invariably say to their manager “yimpintshi yam”.

This then evolved to what became the Mpintshi Programme – the 2-3 Mpintshis who work with gBs in implementing the programs in the communities in which they work. The dream of every Mpintshi is to become a gB and lead their own group of friends in implementing the programs for which loveLife is known.


The loveLife mpintshi programme gives you a chance to be a groundBREAKER when the groundBREAKER you are working with resigns or the term ends.


You work with the groundBREAKER in delivering loveLife programmes at schools and in your community. Thus this programme trains you to be able to deliver loveLife programmes.

Do you wanna be part of this exciting programme?
Visit your nearest loveLife Y-CENTER or contact us on 0833231023 to find out how you can join this programme.