Keeping fit - New loveLife Trust New loveLife Trust

Keeping fit

Keeping fit and healthy is not only good for your body but also for your mind…

Keeping fit and healthy is not only good for your body but also for your mind. You may want to exercise, but maybe not at the gym. Here are some practical tips for you to get healthy and fit at home.

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Try eating healthy food like fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts every day. These will keep you strong when you exercise.

Drink lots of water so that you don’t get dehydrated.

Make sure you warm up (stretch your muscles) before you exercise.

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  • Start with easy exercises and then move on to more difficult ones.

  • If you feel safe, you can walk or run around your neighbourhood.

  • There are many exercises that you can do at home, such as push ups, sit ups, crunches, plank, squats, lunges and yoga.

  • You can download exercise apps on your phone. These will show you how to do different exercises.

  • If you feel pain while exercising, stop immediately so you don’t get injured.

  • It’s also a good idea to get a friend to exercise with you – this could keep you more motivated

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